Lifestyle Design

  • What’s Holding You Back From Your Desired Life? These 4 Dream Killers

    A Black woman stands on a bridge that curves through a forest. She is wearing a backpack and looking thoughtful

    When you see other people living their desired lifestyles, what’s your emotional reaction? Do you wonder what they know that you don’t? You might be surprised at what’s holding you back from your ideal life: these 4 dream killers are the most common. The biggest factors that hurt your odds of deciding and executing your […]

  • Why Start An Online Business: 5 Reasons To Go For It In 2023

    Hands write in a planner on a wooden desk with a laptop, coffee cup, pair of glasses and polaroids laid out.

    After the virtual tidal wave in 2020, there’s very little one can’t do online. There have never been more answers to the question “why start an online business,” but I reckon you’re still hesitating if you find yourself here reading this. Is it the dauntingness of the unknown? Or maybe you’re unsure what business to […]

  • Career Fulfillment: How To Know If Your Career Isn’t A Good Match

    A woman's hands type on a laptop.

    You’ve worked hard to get where you’re at in your career. You studied, hustled and sweat to advance in your profession. Yet, you may have a nagging or even shameful feeling of unhappiness. The likely source? Lack of career fulfillment. The feeling you’re experiencing may be dull and obscure, but lack of career fulfillment could […]