Lifestyle Design

  • Low-Waste Autumn Cleaning Checklist

    Autumn is the best time of year. Who else is with me?? Do sweaters, apple cider and crisp leaves make your heart sing too? It may be the end of summer, but I see autumn as a time for beginnings and making new habits. I keep my home in tune with this autumn cleaning checklist. […]

  • 5 Low-Waste Party Tips

    low-waste party_raffia for gift wrapping_Writing From Nowhere

    These low-waste party tips will keep the good times going, without as much garbage. I’m a big believer in celebrating. And with these low-waste party tips, it’s easy, cheap and environmentally-conscious to party! What’s there not to like?! 5 Low-Waste Party Tips 1. Skip the balloons – instead, buy a banner Balloons may add ambiance […]

  • Gifts For Someone Going Traveling

    These practical gifts for someone going traveling are some of the most valuable items you can pack for a trip. If you’re new to the packing cubes club, your life is about to change.  Packing cubes do 2 major things for travelers: they create more space in your bag, and they keep things organized.  How […]